A few more random photos.

Today I saw a cat. It’s a big deal as I hardly see any. I think this was the 3rd cat I’ve seen. I don’t think my plan of grabbing a feral cat off the street and keeping it as a pet is going to happen.
Scored 2 oranges today. I was told it’s OK to pick them as long as nobody sees me doing so. Lol
I still come across temples and shrines all the time on my walks.
Udon at the next station over where I will have lunch one day. I wasn’t hungry today. Udons remind me of Shikoku.

A few random photos

On my long walks I find across many interesting sites and objects. Here are some of them.

A street like many others with lots of shops near train stations
Sushi galore
Egg cafe
Pink pancake
Cherry blossom already?
I hear and see ravens or crows all the time. They are very big and loud. They wake me up in the morning. I love it.
Rush hour on the lake

Jindaiji Temple.

Today I walked from Mitaka station to Jindai temple. I head been here before with the chief and her husband for new year, but today was so quiet, compared to then. Both days was lovely.

Pet cemetery
Path leading to the temple

Mount Takao

On January 6 I went to Takao mountain, half an hour on the train, west of my house. Unfortunately it was a cold and gloomy day. I went yesterday because there is talk of a lockdown and I thought I’d better go now. It was not very busy, it being a week day. Visiting temples makes me happy and peaceful and I can wish for a healthy peaceful 2021.